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Organizational trust facilitating organizational success / Dr. Melika MolkAra and Shiva Faghani

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Asanriportage/ Trust is a very important topic in behaviors and  human relations and employee’s the sense of trust toward the manager and organization influences the organizational life and conducts and between employees and organizations. the trust shortage between staffs and managers is of sorts among organizations problem. In organizations, especially government organizations, there is a significant gap between employees and managers and their expectations. As a result of this Gap, the decisions face executive problems, because the employees show tenacity in the execution of decisions and on the other hand, managers do not trust employees And managers do not involve the staffs in the decision-making process. All this will create an atmosphere of mistrust and behaviors such as spreading rumors, conflict, politicking, and under-working which takes a lot of energy from organizations and increases costs

The trust is studied many times as a very important word. Because of this many collaborative efforts and behaviors happen and plays an important and key role in many interpersonal relationships. Organizational trust in general is the tendency of a group or party to be vulnerable to another group based on the expectation or belief that the other group is aware, concerned, reliable

:Trust is divided into three groups based on who or what it refers to

  1. This type of trust is an individual’s expectations from other people that could specific or known
  2. Systemic trust: trust at this level is in the performance of systems or social systems and their function is evaluated and predicted
  3. General trust: This type of trust is the people’s expectations from others in general and it does not consider a specific individual or group or relationship


Researches show the organizations with higher levels of trust are more innovative, more adaptable, and more successful than organizations with lower levels of trust. According to the definition of trust, it means the expectations and beliefs that people like to show to others in a predictable way but in line with their own personal benefit, today one of the problem in the organizations is the shortage of trust between the staffs and their managers. Low trust in organizations will increase conflict, organizational instability, leaving the organization and leaving the service, motivation reduction, rumors, unsolvable strikes and hindering the achievement of the organization’s

Increasing the level of trust in an organization requires a strategy to increase trust between all employees and managers. Researchers have made many efforts to determine the foundations of trust in organizations. The results show that job-related variables such as participation in decision-making, independence, feedback, supervisor’s supportive behavior and communication can significantly describe trust in management. Also, the results show that the factors affecting the establishment of organizational trust could be organizational factors, including evaluating the success of employees using modern methods, having fair reward systems, giving regular and timely feedback to employees, etc

Individual factors can also be divided into the tendency to rely, values, habits and behaviors, etc

Dr. Melika MolkAra and Shiva Faghani

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