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AdminAsanreportage/ Currently the world is remarkably advancing and in all the fields and we behold dynamicity and amazing news in a way that all the traditional ways gradually giving place to the new methods and all the cases lack dynamicity and proceeding in the old ways gradually fade away from the competition with other competitors but some old fashioned methods concerning present situations by change or in combination with new methods are useful
In recent years regarding the businesses change and manifestation of the new and digital businesses the process of the business and marketing have subjected to the changes so that to survive a business the new method of marketing should be utilized to increase the efficiency of the business also to compete other competitors using the new and dynamic methods
Nowadays among the newest and the most updated methods of marketing utilized all around the world is the viral marketing. The viral marketing is counted as a business strategy for comprehensive promotion of a brand, product or services using the power of the social network. The purpose of the viral marketing is to encourage the people who share the messages of the marketing to their family members, friends and others and make a great growth in the number of recipient. As obvious from the name this method has a great diffuse power. The method by which the information about a product lby a consumer conveys to the other consumers that like a virus is contagious from one person to another and with a high exponential growth. this type of marketing can be done verbally or via the Internet or the social networks. Now this can be through the methods of making loyal customers so that by providing services and building full satisfaction using them as the powerful medium, in this way, we would be able to take the most advantage by the least cost because a satisfied client notifies other individuals of their satisfaction with the product and by this leads them to us in case of the satisfaction of the guided new clients this process will continue
But another way of viral marketing is creation of the innovative promotions and creative contents broadcast by the audience helps the marketing and prosperity of the business meanwhile this conveyance can be accomplished verbally or in form of content through virtual media. Regarding the access to the Cyberspace, it is one of the easiest ways and Communication mediums that by right management can become an appropriate tool to convey the message and contents to others
:This type of marketing has many advantages for its users as following
One of the most important benefits of the viral marketing is the low cost than the traditional advertising campaigns. A large part of this marketing takes place by your users Therefore, this leads to a great extent save in the cost of advertising and publishing an advertising message. Sometimes, the cost for an ad with suitable content, quality, and most importantly, creativity can persuade all our audiences to make our advertising message viral, and it reduces the cost of advertising in contrast to its high efficiency
Another benefit of the viral marketing is the high speed spread from one person to another and the new person carries this virus to thousands of other people and this cycle goes on likewise the social networks and media helps the growth of the advertising message
Of the other benefits of the viral marketing is to Facilitate the branding process, provided all the steps are done correctly. In other words, by doing this method correctly, the brand name of a company and product will be known and established among people as we have witnessed through these past years
Also utilizing all the power and energy of people to advertise ourselves, as mentioned before by making loyal customers and a creative slogan we will be advertised by others and increases our clients everyday
As one more benefit of the viral marketing gaining more client’s trust listeners and viewers receive our advertisements indirectly
In fact, this method can be considered as a less invasive method of advertising because the more the audience feels that these messages are advertising, the more they will resist that brand
In the end we can regard this method as an old method but due to the progress of virtual and communication media, it has entered into this arena in a new and popular way and has become one of the most popular advertising methods, as we can see that many existing successful brands have used this method and owe their success to this method
Dr. Melika MolkAra – researcher and business strategy consultant