منتشر شده
1 سال پیشدر
AdminAsanreportage / Nowadays, the development and outspread of the science and knowledge and ever increasing technology advances, new scientific achievements and discoveries in various aspects of life results in simplifies the human life; these achievements require continues training which leads to acquisition of knowledge, skills, ethics, new habits in the employees to increase their efficiency compared to the past or by recurrent and retraining intended for the employees not to forget their pervious trainings
A very important area addressed attentions to after the pandemic, health care ( health and hygiene) which is directly connected to the people lives and souls. Knowledge and skills in the healthcare domain is very vast and due to the volatility and fugacity of the contents practice and continuous repetition is essential
In case of the lack of attention to training and retraining, the results would be harmful; because the individuals tend to the monotony and habit in the workplace and more than that, they teach the mistakes and errors to the new employees and beginners
:To prevent such happenings the followings can be done
Encouraging the acquisition of higher educational degrees and up to date academic educations and trainings
Holding the retraining and recurrent classes including useful and practical contents and personnel learning scale and rate in hospitals, reviewing the articles and new scientific accomplishments and presenting the scope of scientific notices to the personnel, asking and obtaining information about personnel weak spots in work and training for that issue, periodic tests in order to fix the problem and get to know the personnel infirmities
Cheering the personnel up and build interest in them for participation in classes and improving scientific level, making training movies to send for personnel, review the common errors and mistakes and its correct training, complete training of a subject, encouraging staff to study, fundamentalize the matter of training that causes performance increment, convenience at work and discharging the patient sooner
Therefore, in order to improve the quality of medical services in the hospitals, the general and compiled training for the staff is necessary to improve the level of society healthcare day by day
Written by – Nima Salehi – Anesthesiologist