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علیرضا محمودی فردAsan Reportage: In the contemporary global landscape, the pivotal role of human resources within organizations and, more broadly, the contribution of individuals to the economic growth and development of nations has become increasingly apparent. This recognition has evolved to the extent that, unlike the technology-centric components of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, nanotechnology, biotechnology, 3D printing, augmented reality, and virtual reality), the Fifth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the themes of “Human, Sustainability, Resilience.” This shift underscores the importance of not diminishing the human element in societies amidst technological advancements. Today, phenomena like globalization, international labor migration, and urban development are reshaping economic indicators. Amidst these transformations, the establishment of infrastructures and mechanisms for the education and cultivation of skilled human resources remains a primary focus for governments and international organizations like UNESCO. UNESCO, at the international level, combats illiteracy and provides basic education across all societal strata, emphasizing literacy, teacher training, secondary education, technical and vocational education, science and technology education, peace and human rights education, lifelong learning, and education focused on cultural and spiritual heritage, cultural policy-making, interfaith and intercultural understanding, cultural industries, creativity, and more. Modern economies require agile economic entities capable of adapting to change, and in this context, the role of education in nurturing society members, particularly entrepreneurs, is considered a fundamental economic pillar. The cultivation, support, and education of entrepreneurs for development and survival are among the key strategies for economic development that governments plan to enhance their societies. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process that leads to value creation and economic development, enabling the provision of high-quality services and goods to consumers. Therefore, from an economist’s perspective, entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the economy, guiding society towards progress and prosperity. In the strategic documents and economic programs of the country, entrepreneurship has been highlighted, yet there remain numerous potentials and capacities in this field that require needs assessment and the commercialization of ideas. Entrepreneurship is defined across various fields and categorized in different ways, from the scale of investment and type of idea to women’s entrepreneurship. National and international organizations have consistently provided moral support in this direction, including UNESCO, which has an educational, scientific, and cultural nature. It should not be overlooked that the growth and advancement of society require the effort and cooperation of all societal strata, which is also significant in economic dimensions. Today, capable women are present in society who, while maintaining family integrity, are also inclined to establish economic enterprises, contributing to the economic prosperity of their families and society. Recently, the first “National Conference on Women’s Entrepreneurship and Business” was organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics at Tarbiat Modares University, in collaboration with the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, in line with the naming of the year 1403 as the “Year of National Production with Public Participation” to realize this goal and also focusing on women’s participation. The aim of such programs, under the titles of seminars, conferences, specialized meetings, etc., is to promote, cultivate, and model women’s entrepreneurship, boost production with public participation in line with the year’s slogan, support startups and knowledge-based businesses, identify opportunities and challenges of women’s entrepreneurship, and ultimately enhance economic indicators by utilizing the full potential and capacity of society. In this context, paying more attention to women’s entrepreneurship and business, in addition to empowering half of society, accelerates the economic wheel. Organizing forums and conferences with the moral support of organizations like UNESCO, whose main activity is “education,” will lead to the identification of issues, challenges, as well as the recognition of opportunities and the empowerment of women to enter the field of entrepreneurship and business. Improving efficiency and effectiveness as subcategories of productivity, converting novel and innovative ideas into inventions in pilot sites and laboratories, and ultimately offering them at national, regional, and international levels as innovations, creating employment for educated individuals who are knowledge-driven to achieve a knowledge-based economy, developing family economy, and finally, acquiring and applying technical knowledge in line with the knowledge of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions, and holding synergy sessions and experience sharing with other societal groups and individuals are among the most important achievements of women entrepreneurs’ presence in society, which Iranian women are well capable of accomplishing.
Dr. Melika Molk Ara: Researcher and Economic Activist